Saudi Aramco
Zaha Hadid
2,256 m²
The multipurpose hall and auditorium lighting in this amazing venue were a challenge to both build and light. Zaha Hadid’s interior design is made up of hundreds of small panels. With each one being a different size and shape.
We delivered the performance lighting and rigging for this project. Coordinating the locations of over 40 motorised line-sets and several hundred lights was no mean feat.
The main hall can be divided into 5 separate rooms or linked together in any combination. Thanks to some clever networking and lighting control systems. Also, we provided for portable lighting desks that can connect in any room and take control of all or part of the system at the touch of a button.
We also delivered a 328 seat auditorium on the same site, which caters to high profile clients and press conferences. There are fully integrated architectural and stage lighting systems in both venues. Using DMX and DALI protocols, we developed a great balance between event requirements and simple daily operation. This even included dedicated key switches for cleaning staff to activate working lights when needed.
Given the complexity of the architecture, the build time extended over several years. Mid-way through, the Client revised their original requirements of having both 110v and 230v electrical supplies on site. This meant that much of the system needed to be re-designed on the fly. It also resulted in having to re-specify a large percentage of the multipurpose hall and auditorium lighting equipment. Without batting an eyelid, we pushed forward to meet the original deadlines.
Most importantly, we made sure that the system could vanish out of site when not being used – allowing the interior design to stand out.